The Consortium
Electronic and electrical waste: a deposit of metals and rare earths (© BRGM, 2016)
To achieve its objectives, this JRP brings together 11 European NMIs and DIs, 2 research institutes with special focus on TCEs, 1 national R&D agency and 1 recycling industry. The consortium will achieve the critical mass needed to accomplish the challenging objectives of this Joint Research Programme. All external partners in the consortium are, in parallel, end-users, which ensures uptake of end-user needs.
Concerning project management, the coordinator, the WP leaders and all other partners are well experienced in the management and the participation in international and European projects.
Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais, France
Dr. Johanna Noireaux, Dr. Paola Fisicaro
LNE, France
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Germany
Dr. Jochen Vogl, Dr. Marcus Oelze
BAM, Germany
Institut za mjeriteljstvo Bosne i Hercegovine (IMBiH), Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Aida Jotanovic
IMBiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM)
Dr. Giancarlo D’Agostino, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), Turin, Italy
LGC Limited, United Kingdom
Dr. Sarah Hill
LGC Limited, United Kingdom
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
Dr. Olaf Riennitz, Dr. Axel Pramann, Lena Michaliszyn
PTB, Germany
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden
Dr. Conny Haraldson
RISE, Sweden
Suomen ymparistokeskus (SYKE), Finland
Dr. Teemu Naykki
SYKE, Finland
Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu, Turkey
Dr. Oktay Cankur
BGRM, France
Jean Philippe Ghestem
BGRM, France
Dr. Claire Dalencourt
ERAMET, France
Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
Priv.-Doz. DI Dr.nat.techn. Irrgeher Johanna, Dr. Shaun Lancaster
Leoben, Austria
Institut Jožef Stefan, Slovenia
Dr. Radojko.Jacimovic
Institut Jožef Stefan, Slovenia
(unfunded partner)
Eidgenössisches Institut für Metrologie (METAS), Switzerland
Dr. Gisela Umbricht
METAS, Switzerland
(unfunded partner)