News and Events
2nd MetroCycleEU Stakeholder Workshop
The second MetroCycleEU Stakeholder Workshop will take place online on the 23rd of May 2024.
The workshop is aimed at professionals of the metal recycling industry with a particular interest in Technology Critical Elements such as lithium, precious metals , rare earth elements.
Online registration is open until 18th May 2024 via the link below:
MetroCycle EU 2nd Stakeholder Workshop Registration
Technology Critical Elements : Interlaboratory Comparison on Lithium batteries and Printed Circuit Board (provisional date Dec/Jan 2023/2024)

Objective: to disseminate and get feedback on the LiB and PCB reference material. This is a great opportunity for the laboratories to test their methods or apply the digestion methods developped for ICP-MS.
For whom ? Industrial and research laboratory involved in TCE recycling and testing with the following methods : ICP-MS, ICP-OES, XRF, GD-MS.
Participation limited to 20 experienced laboratories.
Detailed information on the ILC exercise will be circulated soon
ILC Flyer (181 KB)
1st MetrocycleEU Stakeholder Workshop
The 1st MetrocycleEU Stakeholder Workshop took place online (20th March 2023) Program Stakeholder Workshop March 2023
Title | Date | Location |
Lecture by Tmo Sara-Aho (SYKE) on “ICP-MS/MS analysis of technologically critical elements in printed circuit board waste” at the Nordic Plasma Conference 2022 | 12.-15.06.2022 | Leon, Norway |
Poster presentation of the MetrocycleEU Project at SpectrÁtom 2022 | 10.-13.05.2022 | Pau, France |
Project Meetings
Title | Date | Location |
Metrocycle EU M27 Meeting, LNE | 05.-06.09.2023 | Paris, France, Hybrid |
Metrocycle EU M18 Meeting, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon | 21.-23.11.2022 | Geesthacht, Germany, Hybrid |
MetroCycle EU Progress Meeting, LNE | 16.-17.05.2022 | Paris, France, Virtual |
Metrocycle EU Kick Off Meeting, LNE | 21.-22.06.2021 | Paris, France, Virtual |

Group photo of M 27 Meeting, LNE, Paris, France, 5.-6.9.23
Other Activities
Title | Date | Location |
Technology Critical Elements : Interlaboratory Comparison on Lithium batteries and Printed Circuit Board; Detailed information on the ILC exercise will be circulated soon. | December-January 2024 | 20 experienced laboratories |
Ole Klein (Hereon) receives 2 prize for “Best Student Lecture” at the 28. ICP-MS Applicants' Meeting in Leoben, Austria for his lecture on TCE analysis | 09.09.2022 | Leoben, Austria |