Metrology for the recycling of technology critical elements to support Europe’s circular economy agenda
This is the website of the MetroCycleEU project under the umbrella of the EMPIR EURAMET initiative. The aim of this project is to develop new methods for TCE measurements in urban mine waste and other environmental relevant matrix, giving industry and authorities a more robust framework for the sustainable usage of these elements as well as decision making in waste management, future pollution control and early environmental protection.

The project brings together expertise of 14 partners from 11 countries around Europe. Their work will contribute in particular to the development of new fast reliable analysis methods as well as sampling and sample preparation strategies for TCEs, which are urgently needed to determine the economic value of the waste from the urban mine and of the final recycling products, as well as to decide on recycling routes and to support new R&D for recycling and environmental impact assessment. This will support the EUs Circular Economy Action Plan and help to reduce future supply risks as well as to reinforce Europe´s resilience and autonomy.
UPCOMING: 2nd MetroCycleEU Stakeholder Workshop
The second MetroCycleEU Stakeholder Workshop will take place online on the 23rd of May 2024
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